Download Update 8.5 has been in evisi SmadAV latest from previous versions in the year 2011 is SmadAV has issued at least several times his antivirus updates and Download SmadAV 8.5 is the latest version of the current. Intrigued with the latest features of this smadav? it helps us see what is on offer in the latest update smadav below.
Jikadalam updated version of the old database had been added 40 new virus variants, all variants of the virus cleaning shortcuts, and many other new features, then in free download latest smadav Antivirus 2011 Revision 8.5 will also be added special features for multiple virus detection newest shortcut (mSO-sys, fanny-bmp), the addition of 40 new virus database, enhanced shortcut detection of all virus variants, the addition of heuristic techniques and so on.
To list more details as follows:
* Added a local database of new viruses
* Added a new facility from SMADAV named SmadAV-Updater. Which features a database update is done every week, both online and offline.
* Detection of virus specific to Ramnit.shortcut
* There is a new feature: "Forgot Password" to users SmadAV Pro
* There is a new feature called "Latest News SmadAV"
* Do error correction on the detection of certain file-fle
* Completion of the method for SmadAV Pro blacklist illegal.
Download: | Smadav 8.5 + Key |

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